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The colorimetric sensor determines whether a sample is positive for malaria. The sensor is activated by the inherent color change produced by the ELISA test.


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The following information is for the TCS 3200 and the TCS 34725 sensors. They will be compared for accuracy using color values identified below. 

Color Test.jpg

Data was collected by measuring the response of each sensor to the color values. 

TCS 34725 Normalized Data Color 4.jpg
Color 0 for TCS34725.jpg


The Null hypothesis implies there is no statistical difference in the accuracy of the sensors. The alternate hypothesis implies there is a statistical difference between the two sensors. With a 95% confidence interval, using a two side t-test with a normal distribution of data. The statistical data rejects the alternate hypothesis. The t-test concludes that there is no statistical difference between the accuracy of the sensors


Looking at the slopes of the linear regression, the TCS3200 sensor had a smaller slope for each color value. Indicating the TCS3200 sensor offers a greater precision of values when compared to the TCS 34725.

Both sensors offer a similar level of accuracy; however, the TCS3200 offers better precision. Additionally, the TCS3200 has a lower price point. Thus, the TCS3200 is the better of the two sensors.

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